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Christians and Porn

Christians and Porn - The Vision
Against his better judgment, the faceless man stretched his hand toward the goddess and noticed a quiver in his wrist. His fingers twitched as they ran along the strap of her gown. His breath came in hushed gasps as he tried to keep quiet. He could not risk waking his wife or kids. He trembled, mesmerized by her magnificent mouth, deep dark eyes, and long neck. The goddess ran her manicured fingernails along his outstretched forearm, tantalizing his senses and luring him into a state of seductive longing. Cold, musty air blew up the staircase from behind the goddess and hit him in the face sending a chill down his back. She smiled shyly and took another step backward, beckoning him with tempting flirtation to follow her down into the basement.

She wore a near transparent nightgown; he eyed her closely as the silky material bent around the curves of her perfect body with every move of her hips. She took another step backward and he followed, slowly. The staircase was made of wooden planks, and a candle lantern hung from the wall halfway down the corridor. "Come on baby," she licked her lips and breathed deep."Let me take you there again. Let me make your dreams come true." She took another step back.

Another blast of stale air came from below and jolted him from the euphoric state. He suddenly hesitated as fear, shame, guilt, and regret flooded his conscious mind. Pulling his hands away from her, he glanced up the stairs and saw the glow of the hallway above. He’d been to this basement -- more like a dungeon -- before; he drank the waters of pure ecstasy with the goddess time and again. She was so good. She let him do the things of fantasy to her body, and she always told him what he wanted to hear. But he loved his wife and two kids, and being with the goddess was, at some level, a betrayal to the friends and family he adored. He felt guilty for wanting the goddess. He felt shame and regret for how many times he’d been with the goddess. Lust and longing fought hard against shame and guilt, and the more each tugged at his heart, the more his knees felt weak. He looked back at the goddess, hoping she’d help him make a decision.

In times past when he fought the urge to flee the goddess, she would step closer to him, rub her body against his and beg him not to leave. She’d kiss his neck and whisper sweet promises about how good she’d make him feel. She’d caress his face and hair with her long fingers. Eventually, he’d turn and follow her into the dark basement and she’d let him have his way with her. But this time something was different. As he fought the urge to leave, she remained still, choosing to not aid in his decision. With a coy smile, she leaned against the wall and dug at the cuticles in her fingers. She was neither happy nor sad, but simply indifferent toward his struggle. This time, she didn’t care.

Christians and Porn - The Attempt at Resistance
“You know you’re going to follow me,” she finally said, her abruptness catching him off guard. “So follow. Your resistance right now is nothing but a fake show of will toward the Creator God, or your own conscience. He knows your heart, I know your heart, and you know your heart. It’s as black as the basement below. Come, join me. You’ve done this hundreds of times and always kept it secret. Your wife and kids will never know. Or you can leave, but real men don’t waste time in the struggle, they make big boy decisions.”

He shook his head and turned to face her. She was right; his struggle was a weak show of will rooted in guilt and shame, and it had no chance of pulling him out of the dungeon. He couldn’t say ‘no’ to her, the goddess. She smiled, and even as she did her already breathtaking feminine features seemed to bulge, pulling the little night gown tight around her torso. He lost his breath and stumbled forward but she caught him and pulled him in tight. She could feel his heart beating wildly as he rested against her, lost again in the euphoria of lust. She secretly rolled her eyes in mockery of his weakness.

She then took him by the hand and they walked the final two thirds of the long stairway together. The basement ceiling was so low that he had to stoop slightly to move about. The floor was a single huge slab of cold concrete, and a few dim candle lanterns hung from the walls around the large room, casting a sinister hue. The musty smell was strong, and it did an unpleasant number on his stomach. The basement was empty, except for a small cot made of metal that sat in a corner. On it was a thin stained mattress. Each stain on the mattress was a moment of climax; hundreds, even thousands of memories were made on this bed of passion. Excitedly, he began walking toward the cot, ready to ravage the goddess’ body in every way possible, but she gripped his hand tight and refused to budge. He turned and looked at her, puzzled.

“If you let me, I’ll take you places you’ve never even dreamed of going.” She said, her eyes now harder, fixed on his. She eased forward and wrapped her slender arms around his midsection. Whispering in his ear, she said, “A place where foreplay feels better than ejaculation on that old ratty cot.”

His heart thumped like a bass drum as she nibbled at his ear. Lost in desire, he let his hands explore; then, she stepped back and tugged his shirt slightly, inching him toward the far wall and away from the old cot. He followed her as though he was sleepwalking, caught up in a high that refused to allow his good judgment to maneuver. Her hands followed his arms until she reached his wrists where she squeezed tight, and continued leading him away from the cot toward a gaping hole in the far wall. He’d never been to this side of the dungeon before.

Christians and Porn - The Journey to Darkness
The goddess was strong; her tight grip surprised him. Though something was not right, he couldn’t shake the feeling of being high, and lacked the strength to focus on what was going on around him. One after the other he stepped, following her in the direction she pulled. Through blurred vision he could see a curve on her mouth, but not the curve of a temptress. It was not seductive at all, rather malevolent. It was the smile of perpetration, as though she knew that soon she would be devouring him like a starved animal to a hunk of meat. It was that curve upon her lips that began the awakening in him. He opened his eyes as terror gripped his every nerve. Where was she taking him?

The goddess was leading him toward the far wall and something was definitely wrong, though at first, he could not put his finger on it. On this end of the basement, the musty smell was much more potent. The reek of rot and a bitter cold hung in the air all around him. He tugged and fought against the goddess’ grip, but she would not let go. Her facial expression didn’t even change as she continued methodically walking backward, leading him toward danger. He jerked and turned with all his might, so hard that he felt a bone pop in his left wrist. He tried to let out a scream, but couldn’t find the breath.

Reaching the arched opening in the wall, the goddess suddenly stopped moving and let the hard smile leave her face, though she kept her grip tight on his wrists. She stood there expressionless for some time. Her chest was now almost flat, the curves of her body all but gone. She stood before him as a woman still, but much older and more mysterious. The man also stopped struggling to free his hands, but his eyes were fixated on the arched opening in the wall behind her. Something ancient and terrible lived past that opening; he could feel it. At that moment he was more frightened than he’d ever been before. He didn’t know it, but he was standing at the gateway to Hell.

“Won’t you come in with me?” she asked, her voice now low and dark.

“I will not,” he said, shaking his head. A tear formed at the corner of his eyes as he continued, “I cannot. I cannot go there with you goddess. Please, I have a wife. I have kids. I cannot go there goddess. I don’t even want to go back to the old cot. I just want out.”

“It’s too late.” A new, dark and demented voice came from behind the opening. As it did, the woman arched herself backward, pulling him further toward the gateway. First the crown of her head touched the opening and disappeared. Then her face and neck entered the blackness, and it too disappeared behind the dark gateway that seemed to swallow light whole. As she arched further, the man began to fall forward. He fought wildly, now screaming and begging her to let go. When only her forearms were outside of the cavernous hole, she suddenly lunged forward, back out of the hole and that momentum sent him to the ground, flat on his back with her on top, straddling his torso.

The creature that emerged from that gateway had the forearms of a woman, but the rest of it was a hideous mess of rotting flesh and ligaments and bones. It reeked like death. Insects crawled in and out of its mouth and eyes. It bent down, as if to kiss the man when another being emerged from the gateway. This one was small, the size of a seven or eight year old at most, and had hairless, smooth, pasty white skin. Its white eyes stuck like daggers from his head.

“Wait Jezebel, this one is mine.” It said.

The creature on top of the man snarled and sputtered, then obeyed and let go of the man’s wrists and moved to the side. As it did, the naked bald devil mounted the man in a sexual position and began tearing his clothes off. After exposing the man’s chest, the devil opened its mouth wide and took a powerful bite out of his stomach flesh. The man screamed in agony, a gurgled, throaty scream. The devil continued to eat, ripping organs and stomach and intestines out as he did. He gave the scraps to the creature that had once been so beautiful to the man’s eyes. As the torture continued he slowly stopped fighting the pain and became calm in the moments before his death. As he calmed, this faceless man was given a face. And that face morphed into another. That face morphed into another and another. Slow at first, then faster, the faces morphed from one to another.

The last thing the man saw above the bobbing bald head of the devil eating his insides was a bright pink flashing neon sign above the archway to hell. It said, “Pornography.”

Christians and Porn - Freedom from Sin
If you are a believer in Christ and are struggling with an addiction to porn, there is hope and help for you! The power of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 3:16) and the cleansing of God’s forgiveness is available to you (1 John 1:9). The renewing capacity of God’s Word is at your disposal (Romans 12:1-2). Commit your mind and eyes to the Lord (1 John 2:16). Ask God to strengthen you and help you to overcome pornography (Philippians 4:13). Ask God to protect you from further exposure to porn (1 Corinthians 10:13), and to fill your mind with things that are pleasing to Him (Philippians 4:8). These are all requests that God will honor and answer.

Do not despair! An addiction to internet porn is not an “unforgivable sin.” God can and will forgive you. Seek His help daily in prayer; ask Him to fill your mind with His truth and block unwanted thoughts and desires. “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20).

Find Help!

Taken from the book Pink Christianity by Nathan Schnackenberg. Used with permission. The complete book is available at

We highly recommend the following books:
Every Man's Battle: Winning the War on Sexual Purity One Victory at a Time by Stephen Arterburn.

Pure Freedom: Breaking the Addiction to Pornography by Mike Cleveland.

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We have all sinned and deserve God’s judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.

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